is SEO a Scam?

We’ve been doing SEO for a while now and have seen it all as for scams and rip-offs. It’s gotten such a bad name due to the nature of how it works and people trying to find loop holes and ways to cheat the system. Google and other search engines are constantly changing and tweaking the way it works but one thing will always remain paramount in their books; an active website and one that has new content added frequently using a keywords in your area of business will be moving up in the rankings. It’s a slower process then some of the blackhat tactics SEO firms will try, but the results remain true. That’s why at Cover Club Media with our SEO packages you get unlimited updates(no repetitive or reused content) to your news section along with our routine updates and many changes to improve your business online.
Some serious issues can arise when going with certain SEO companies. For example one of our website and hosting clients recently was scammed into trying a service provided by a very large SEO firm in Canada. It’s embarrassing to admit that our hosted client made the mistake but telemarketers can be aggressive and pushy. The situation is a very dangerous game for your business and it’s reputation online. It doesn’t work long term, and once you cancel the service(cross your fingers) any paid service will never render to your official business website rankings.
In the below example, this marketing agency simply recreates you a new website. So when you discontinue their service so does all of your efforts to build a brand online. It also is just a cookie cutter theme they apply to each and every new client they signup. The reason they do this is preparation for SEO and other marketing services takes communication which beyond that phone call, you’ll get none.

As you can see in both images the words are exactly the same, yet theses are 2 different clients whom they’ve signed up for service. This is a big mistake as SEO looks for reused content and ignores it.
So you’re probably asking yourself well how do they get leads for you? Well, it’s simple. All of your leads are generated through paid ads through search engines forwarding it all to the temporary site not your site so you think their doing SEO work, but in reality it’s just them paying for advertising without any optimizations. They will also use a temporary phone number routed to yours to prove that it was their lead generated. They’re doing absolutely no SEO. All they have done is use a simple generated website and replaced the images with your logo.
Sadly we see this happen to a lot of clients where they come to us looking for answers. We can explain the situation for you and find a get out of jail solution for you. Give us a call if you want a honest SEO service that works. No obligations, contracts and no tricks attached.